Tips on Storage, Defrosting and Seasoning your first Wellbone order!

Welcome to the Wellbone Family

At Wellbone, we provide you with good-quality and affordable steaks delivered to your door in an eco-friendly packaging.

Before receiving your Wellbone Order

Thanks for choosing us! You are already excited about getting your Wellbone order at your doorstep, and we can't blame you. Here are a few things you should know before you receive your first order.

In the first place, your steaks will arrive frozen, individually wrapped, and carefully packaged. Your order has been packed in an insulated bag (or if you live outside of Southern California, a box with dry ice) to prevent it from defrosting. If your order arrives in a box, remember to wear gloves to avoid hand burns when unpacking your steaks as some dry ice might still be present in the packaging. Our insulated bags contain no dry ice.

Please store your steaks in the freezer immediately if you are planning to cook them later. On the other hand, if you are planning to cook the same day, you can store them in the fridge.


Please keep in mind that once you open the box you need to store the stakes in the freezer or fridge immediately. You can store it in the fridge for up to seven days and in the freezer for up to one year; however, we recommend eating it in a one-month time frame if stored in the freezer to ensure freshness and flavor. We suggest you plan your meals, so you will know how much product you need to store in the fridge or freezer. Of course, this will depend on your eating habits and type of event (BBQ, dinner party, individual consumption, or family).

To have a better idea, our steaks weigh approximately 16 oz which is enough for two adults; however, you will need to take into consideration side dishes such as entrees, salads, and desserts before calculating how much to cook. Also, another factor to consider is gender as males tend to eat bigger portions compared to women and children.

Defrosting Methods

Once you know the amount you are going to cook, it is important to know safe ways to thaw the product. Here are two different ways to defrost your steaks:

Thaw in the refrigerator: If your refrigerator temperature is between 34°F and 40°F, meat can be safely thawed there. Place a plate or platter under the meat you are thawing so that juices do not drip on raw foods; ground beef thawed in the refrigerator should be used immediately. Once the meat is frozen and thawed, it deteriorates faster than meat that has never been frozen before. Steaks can be used within 7 days if kept in the refrigerator. Steaks thawed in the refrigerator can be refrozen without cooking. However, the USDA recommends that thawed beef should be cooked before refreezing.

Thawing in cold water: Meat must be thawed in cold water. You can thaw meat in a sealed container or bag. Immerse the bag in cold water and change the water every 30 minutes to keep it cold. Meat should never be exposed to temperatures more than 70°F or 100°F.

After thawing, refrigerate, and cook. Unlike steaks thawed in the refrigerator, beef thawed in cold water must be cooked before refreezing. Thawing in the microwave is not recommended because it alters the quality and flavor of the meat when cooking.

How to season steak like a pro

When seasoning a steak, you can't go wrong with freshly cracked black pepper and kosher salt.

Salt: Void using table salt and choose kosher instead. Finishing salts such as flaky sea salt can be applied at the end as a final touch. Also, you could add some chopped herbs such as thyme, rosemary, or sage to your salt to make a flavored salt for your steak.

Pepper: Red and black pepper are recommended for seasoning red meat, while white and green pepper are used for fish and seafood.

You can also brush the sides of the steak with a small amount of olive oil first to help seasonings to adhere to the steak's surface, seasoning the steak generously, especially with thicker steaks, as it needs to be enough to achieve the flavor. And finally, season your steak 30 or 40 minutes before cooking.

Remember that the amount of seasoning depends on how thick your steak is. The thicker the steak is, the more seasoning you will need. Thick stakes such as rib-eye, filet mignon, and strip steak need a generous amount of seasoning, while thinner steaks such as flank iron or flank steak do not need more to get to the same result.

When to salt the steak

A fundamental principle of barbecues is that beef should preferably not be seasoned and only salt should be used. Personal cuts of meat to be roasted should be salted with medium or coarse grain salt. It is recommended to salt it after one side is sealed and browned. The salt is applied on the sealed side. Just enough time to consider that the sealing has been done is the time necessary for the opposite side to start crying its juices.

When it comes to large pieces, due to their volume, they must be salted at least one hour before, and preferably with coarse-grained salt, so that the interior of the piece can reach the necessary salt concentration.

From ordering online, waiting for your order, and finally receiving it, storing it, and cooking, we love doing things differently and we want to empower you with honest and valuable information.

We are here to learn together and we hope we can celebrate delicious meals with you every day!

Bon appetit from the the Wellbone Family!

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